Yeast infection
Anyone suffered from yeast infection during pregnancy? Isit safe to use Gyno-travogen pessary during 3rd trimester to treat the yeast infection? Please advise. Thank you

Hi, is it okayy to ask if the infection is cleared? i was prescribed for it by my gynae and has been using it for 5days but the discharge is still pale yellow and it's alot. i am so worried that it is the amniotic fluid instead of the discharge. Anyone knows how to see the difference? i am on my 2nd trimester and it worries me alot.
Read moreI did. My gynae prescribed a vaginal pessary. I’m not sure exactly what brand it is. But you should see a doctor and do a swab test to confirm if it is a yeast infection. If it is and prescribed by your gynae it is definitely safe to use.
I was put on one week. It’s an antibiotic. 2x a day. If I didn’t remember wrongly it was white and like oval/ diamond shaped. Yes it completely cleared afterwards. But I learnt to keep my V area clean now as there will be more prone to discharge and if I don’t change my pantyliner frequently/ wash and dry it whenever possible a reinfection is likely. If it was prescribed by your gynae for your infection trust that it is safe and you’ll need to use it. Yeast infections if serious can cause complications to your baby.
Just use what is prescribed by gynae. They know best.
is this prescribed by your gynae?
See your gynae and do a swab test to check what kind of infection it is. Different medicine are used to cure different infections. There might be an expiry date to your current meds as well or it may not be safe for pregnancy. Also, if antibiotics is what you need (for infections) there’s a specific dosage needed to fully cure it. If you only have 1-2 tablets left from your previous infection it may not be enough to cure your current infection.