stomach discomfort/nausea?

Anyone still having nausea/bloating after giving birth? Is this normal?

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After giving birth, many women will experience increased abdominal gas. After giving birth, or postpartum, it is normal for a person to notice changes to their bowel movements.

Super Mom

How many days/weeks after giving birth are you at? Are you eating well? What have you been eating so far?

Hey, It may be because of not eating properly. Are you having all meals every day ?

Thành viên VIP

Do consult your gynaecologist if you feel uncomfortable, take care!

Thành viên VIP

I don't feel that after deliver.. but I do exp giddiness..

Thành viên VIP

I do initially but more of bloated not nausea.

I felt bloated for a while after giving birth

Thành viên VIP

I had a lot of bloatedness