Anyone started weaning diet for your lo before he/she hit 6 months? My lo is turning 6 months at end of June and she do show interest in foods that I'm eating. I'm thinking of starting weaning diet for lo 1-2 weeks earlier. Is there any parents that can share their experiences when starting weaning diet before the 6 months mark and what's the recommendations?

I started introducing solids to my LO when she turned 4mths old.. started with what other mummies said, the less allergic food like apple, pear, banana, avocado, pumpkin, homemade cereals, etc. Single food type each time and each food type for 3 consecutive days to see if there's any allergic reactions before changing to another. So i make the puree in batches, froze them into cubes and thaw them when I want to feed her. I don't know whether it was because she was only 4mths old and so the extrusion reflex was not lost yet, the initial days she would use her tongue to push the food out. However I kept trying and after a few days she no longer have this issue. Now she is 6mths old and she can eat alot already. lol.
Read moreCan try the simple food that have lesser allergies reaction like apple, pear, avocado, sweet potato, carrot, papaya, banana etc. If u start with BLW, do cut them thinly but not easy to break, maybe like french fries size. If puree, steam and mash, it's easy.
Read morei started very early arnd 5months as my LO was very keen in food. Constantly trying to grab the food off table I started with rice cereal followed by homemade veggie puree - Pumpkin for a start!
i weaned mine at 6months. I heard that introducing solid too early isn't good for their guts!
I tried apple, carrot puree.
Leader of 2 pumpkins