How to skip gifting full month baby cake box

Anyone skipped gifting the baby full month cake and red egg box? Not keen on it and would like advice on good excuses to skip it, thanks!! (*not looking for pro-gifting advice here haha). My very very traditional FIL is going to insist that we gift this to our biggggg extended family. Which would mean hundreds of dollars out of our own pockets. How do we best say no to him? They may be our aunts and uncles (i.e. parents' siblings) but I feel it's not necessary cos we are simply not close. Our parents and ourselves only meet them for max 2 hours a year during the obligatory CNY, or slightly more if there's a wedding in the family, and we hardly interact in between. In fact this year we cannot even meet them for CNY'21, or hold full month celebration due to covid visitor restriction rule, so our last contact with them would be CNY'20. Direct aunts and uncles but feel like distant relatives. Really not keen on the whole procedure of calling and asking for all the relatives' addresses and then either having the husband travel around the island to pass the gift box to them individually (we have no nanny or any form of help so I have to tend to newborn at home), or paying courier even more $$ to send them out. 😒 #howtosiam #additionalstress #additionalwork #additionalcost #1stimemom

How to skip gifting full month baby cake box
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Say the trend is to gift virtual red eggs. And then design a cute gif image of red eggs with your kids photo and send it on WhatsApp to all relatives to announce the birth. 😂

3y trước

Haha is it a trend really?! Sounds like a super cute and ingenious idea though! Love it, but I can already picture the FIL's glare if we were to propose this.😅