Induce labour

Anyone can share their experience being induced? When did they induce you and how did it turn out for you? Length of labour/how many weeks you were/ etc?

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I was induced on the edd date because I confused my IBS with contractions (my flairs were painful so I thought I was having contractions) the gynae suggested to do induced labour as the next day was my edd. I was induced on the 8th of October at 5pm. Waterbag didn't burst until 11pm. But the pill they gave was a one time pill and contractions begins after one hour inserted. Legit was having the pain of my life. Laughing gas and the injection meds didn't work. I think I fainted from the pain and the exhaustion from the pain. Finally at 8am of 9th of October, I told my husband that I needed the epi (me & husband agreed that the moment I asked for epidural, it means I cannot handle the pain anymore) and I was only 6cm dilated. They did not give full epi (I shouldve asked about the epidural before the induce but I was confident that I wouldn't feel pain after epidural) as they wanted me to feel the pressure and know when to push. at 1030Am, I was 9cm dilated and I had to push to make it 10cm, by then I was already in so much pain since the previous evening, I just wanted my baby out, at 11:30 am, I was finally 10cm and because I took too much laughing gas and meds, my baby came out high at 1147( I wouldn't recommend to push as hard as I did, I was too high, I thought my baby would suffocate if his head was already in my tunnel, I felt silly afterwards 😅) my advice would be, only to do it when you really need it. cause the pain is unbearable until my husband was scared for me & usually I can handle pain without meds.

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