Induce labour

Anyone can share their experience being induced? When did they induce you and how did it turn out for you? Length of labour/how many weeks you were/ etc?

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I was induced at week 38+4 bc of low amniotic fluid. I was admitted at 5pm+ and they induced me at 8pm+, to be honest the insertion of the induction was more painful than any cervical checks I've had. Anyway I slowly had mild contractions that I didn't know were contractions 😅 I could stand the pain surprisingly until they checked me at 7am+ the next morning and found that I was already 3cm dilated. Once you're 3cm dilated, you're ready to go into labour ward. They brought me to the labour ward at 1pm+ as there wasn't an available room before that, I started having much more intense and frequent contractions after a while. They checked me once again and I was only at 4cm dilation. That was when I requested for epidural, and eventually fell asleep. When they woke me up at 4pm+ to check, I was fully dilated and started pushing close to 5pm. Gave birth just past 6pm :) only side effects from epidural was shivering.

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