Induce labour

Anyone can share their experience being induced? When did they induce you and how did it turn out for you? Length of labour/how many weeks you were/ etc?

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Baby 1: 39 weeks 6 days- 1 cm dilated. Admitted 10pm. Inserted 2 pills. Gynae burst water bag at 4cm dilation. Got Epidural 1 hr later, so pain still manageable. Only after epidural was in did they start the drip to speed up labour / contractions. Pushed baby out at 4pm. Baby 2: around 38 weeks, 3cm dilated. Admitted 10pm. Didn’t insert pill. Opted for epidural first before Gynae burst water bag cos I know once the water breaks, contractions will ramp up. Can’t remember if they put a drip to speed up the process. Pushed baby out 4am. Induction turns out so differently for each person and also different for the same mom across pregnancies. Hope all goes well for you!

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