Induce labour

Anyone can share their experience being induced? When did they induce you and how did it turn out for you? Length of labour/how many weeks you were/ etc?

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I was induced at 37 weeks. Checked in at 9am. I was inserted cervidil once every 6hrs starting from 10am for 2 days. I guess my body did not respond well to the induction. Evening of day 2, I was still only 3cm dilated. They brought me to labour suite and manually broke my waterbag at 5pm and that’s when the labour started. I took epidural and was in and out of sleep until 1am when I was fully dilated and had to start pushing. My baby didn’t wanna come out for some reason and her heartbeat went off the roof. Didn’t go down even though we waited for her to calm down so had to go through csect. She was born at 3.26am, almost 42hrs since the start of induction.

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2y trước

Cos I'm now at 37+2 wks, I have mild contractions on n off until my buttock can feel it & lightning crotch too. But not waterbag burst soo far.