Hi! Can anyone share how do u deal with your baby's colic?

Grip water and grid wind makes my baby puke her whole bottle of milk out a few times.. I rely on essential oils and tummy massage everytime I change her diaper.. Like a few quick strokes after apply essential oil at every diaper change. It does help. And changing of milk bottle. Was using hegen, than change to avian bottle and last with MAM my sis recommended me as it help with Colic.
Read moreminyak telon massaged on her tummy esp before bedtime, i try not to let her cry for too long as they will take in more air. lower abit bottlefeed for slower flow. i didnt give her any ridwind or anything as i do not want to rely on that. now shes 3months, she sleeps longer at night and lesser to none colicky
Read moreSmall amount of Ruyi oil on tummy and "bicycle" the legs to help move the gas through. I applied on my baby gal and sometimes can hear her passing gas. You can also consider anti colic bottle to reduce the air intake when she is drinking milk
Both my kids didn’t have colic, so not sure what will help relief. But I came across this Hyland’s baby gas drops on SuperMom. Maybe you can give it a try? They provide free delivery, so you don’t have to leave your house to buy too.

I used Ridwind. On some days, they will still cry regardless of what I do. So just carry, hug and wait it out. Was really heartbreaking
Colic drops, gripe water, ruyi oil, massage, bicycle massage, a warm and relaxing evening bath or wipe before colic starts
ridwind, try to burp after each feed and keep baby upright at least 10mins after each feed.. from experience
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Tummy massage with a baby oil that has nutmeg and aniseed Also switch to anti colic baby bottle
Can try buy ridwind from pharmacy give before feeding or you can drop it to milk.