Formula Milk

Hi anyone can recommend me a good formula for my LO 1 month old? Currently using Similac but I think it makes my daughter constipated. Unable to feed her 100% BM because my milk supply not enough.

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You can get milk samples first. Means lo is not suitable. You can try NAN.

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5y trước

My bb is 2mths old, supplementing with Enfamil. He poops everyday.

U can try FairPrice Gold formula milk. So far it works for my lo.

5y trước

Hi how old is your baby? I would like to give my 3 month old boy the Fairprice brand too. I tried giving him the convenient pack for a trial and he seemed to like it more than his current milk which is Enfamil.

Super Mom

There is goat milk too. The brand is Karihome

Using nan... Everyday poop at least one

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Can supplement with Nan or aptamil

Influencer của TAP

Bellamy's Organic or Enfamil

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I have been using nan ha

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NAN optipro stage 1

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Nestle Nan 😊

Can try nan HA