Formula Milk

Hi anyone can recommend me a good formula for my LO 1 month old? Currently using Similac but I think it makes my daughter constipated. Unable to feed her 100% BM because my milk supply not enough.

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My bb is 14days old, hospital (NUH) gave him dulac, so I just followed. Starting I followed instructions, 30ml water + 1 scoop but he didn’t poop much so I tweaked abit to more water less powder for a thinner pooped more... hope this helped!

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Hi... I would suggest that you request for samples from popular infant formula milk brands to try first. Buy the brand most suited for your baby

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You can try friso? Fyi just sharing, some babies can go up to 4 days without passing motion. Just make sure wet diapers meets the requirement.

I'm giving my LO Karihome goats milk because it is closest in taste to breast milk (I've tried it). Cost is $26.70 for 400gm tin from NTUC.

Last time my baby drinking Enfamil Gentlease but now our pedia advised us to give Nan Optipro HA, so far bm is good and no more hiccups.

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I supplement my girl with nestle Lactogen. Since KKH was feeding her that in the nursery, I just continued when I’m back home.

5y trước

It can be found in cold storage and fair price!

Hi, Best would be to take samples from all the formula milk brands and then decide which one is best for your baby

5y trước

How do you get samples for under 6 months old? I have only able to find samples for 6 months or above on the internet.

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I am giving NAN HA, my baby have eczema and also constipation, that’s why we switch to HA

Am using NAN 1. I can't breastfeeding, Mount E was giving my bb NAN 1 when she was there.

How about Similac total comfort ? If not can try Nan as heard that it's closest to bm