
Anyone let baby sleep in sarong?? My MIL might be taking care of my lo once I end maternity leave and she insists on using the sarong. I've heard that it's not safe for babies. Anyone can share your views?

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I bought one for my 1st born as she has to be carried for quite long time when we want to put her to sleep, it did works, but I hate it! My girl almost fell down when nobody's watching, my maid also rocking it really hard to make her sleep faster. For my 2nd born my mil suggested to use it again, I said I already sold it, not good cos baby will depend on it. Eventually I buy a rocking chair, it's safer, cos u put on the ground, also good for after feeding to prevent spit up, cos it's reclined.

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Thành viên VIP

My gals slept in sarongs for a few months. I grew up sleeping in sarongs too. I put 2 mattress underneath them when they are in the sarong. Actually the dangerous part is when the baby starts to kick and kicks him or herself out from the sarong. (which i did, lol) actually also depends whether ur baby likes or not. Some babies prefer no movements unless from birth u start usimg sarong already and baby gets used to it.

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Super Mom

It is not safe but many people still let baby sleeps in sarong. They say can prevent flat head and baby can sleep better in motion. I slept in the sarong when I was young too but my head super flat. 😕The older generation likes to let baby sleep in sarong.. Not me..

If really insist of giving your LO sleep sarong but a mattress below the sarong. As my generation my parents also give me sleep sarong.. But after something happen on my ex sis daughter I not giving my LO sleep sarong.

6y trước


Super Mom

My LO can definitely sleep better with sarong. It's a life saver for me! But it depends on baby. Some won't like it.

I’m using it. My Mother only pat the butt area to make baby slp. Never push it up and down.

Used sarong for my 2 kids from 3months, and it has shown that it reduced the chances of flat head.

6y trước

Other than the flat head, how about safety?

Thành viên VIP

My children slept in sarong and we’ve never had any problems

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My LO usin when she 1mth plus

Went for baby crib