Anyone heard before "Zhua zhou" for baby first year lunar birthday ? How many items must lo pick ? And what to prepare for lo first lunar birthday ?

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It's a tradition that was meant to "forecast" what you child might do in the future, but then again - it's mainly just for fun! Your child only needs to pick one item, and only do it once - whatever that item corresponds to is a symbol of what he/she might want to do in future :) Common items prepared are calculators/abacus, money, scholar's pencil, camera, ball etc - most people do it with the actual items, but I went with a cartoonized version because I didn't want to get the actual items just for this. Just line them up and then put your child a distance away, then ask him/her to go pick something! For first lunar birthday, it very much depends on what your family traditions are - common practices would be having red eggs for your child to peel and eat, meesua for longevity and having new clothes/shoes. There are also other traditions like stepping on and over angkukuehs before putting on new shoes (we placed a plastic over so can still be eaten haha), giving chicken drumstick, letting LO pick "lucky numbers" etc.

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my elders ask baby to pick 3 items. mine step on big ang ku kueh and wore a shoe by her grandmother

Influencer của TAP

Yes! Abacus drumstick notes and a few other stuff you can Google for full list.

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Yes! Heard it from my mom and I think it's a fun activity to do!

I used drumsticks, chinese abascus, money, pen

Super Mom

Yes about 6 items. Drums and other stuff

I prepared a lot . Lo only need to take one

7y trước

Note, calculator, pen, piano, aeroplane, stethoscope, book, stamp, ruler, globe

about 6 items

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Nope never

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My son!

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