Fetus not growing
Hi, anyone has the same experience? Scan 1 week ago at private and scan yesterday at KKH but fetus doesn't seems to be growing. Is it normal or miscarriage or the machine use is diff?.. going back 1 week later to check.. but super worry... Please advice..

Is your period irregular ie more than 32 days or more? If so, then it’s very hard to predict an accurate gestational age based on yr last menstrual period. Best to wait till heartbeat then u know how many weeks for sure. I experienced the same thing, cus I got irregular period and I visited the doctor too early. I know the waiting period in between feels like eternity but for now, you just have to wait week by week. I did private and gynae asked me to come bck once a week to monitor growth - and I only see baby’s heartbeat 3 weeks after my first appt. During these 3 weeks, doc gave me progesterone pill (Duphaston) and jab to avoid miscarriage / stabilise pregnancy. You may want to ask the benefit of progesterone if not prescribed to you yet
Read moreoh dear... huggggssss... 8 w+ could be still early.. I think v hard to tell for sure now.. it's going to be hard but stay positive? hugggss
By right 8 weeks should see a little fetus and a heartbeat. Else may want to wait the week after for result
Have you heard the heartbeat? Each scan shld give you an estimate of the length of fetus, best to use that.
I thnk what you want to see next is the development. ie water sac -> yolk sac -> heartbeat. My gynae said water sac size whether growing or not doesn’t really matter. What matters is that it develops into the next stage. Hope this helps!
how many weeks are you now?
should be 8+ weeks but seems smaller
My first baby