Back pain

anyone face the same problem like me... currently in 14 weeks... the back pain is really killing me..whether i sit,walk or lying in bed..

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Hello and good day to you. For your information, back pain is one of the most common symptoms that can happen to pregnant women. This can be annoying and irritating, but this problem is normal and happened due to changes in your body shape due to your growing belly. To ease the pain, you can correct your posture by sitting with your back upright, stand up straight, don’t slouch, keep your shoulder back and relax, choose a chair that supports your back and add a small pillow behind your lower back. You can visit to get more information regarding health or to speak with our certified and registered doctors online. Thank you.

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Greetings Ms. For your information, back pain is one of the common symptoms during pregnancy. There are a few reasons on why this happening to you. First of all due to the extra weight that we gain throughout the pregnancy. Next, as you gain weight and your tummy expand, the centre of gravity shifts and you unconsciously shift your posture and the way you move. This adjustment may result in the strain to your back. Some pregnant mothers may become more stressful during this period which may also result in muscle tension and back pain. Visit to get more information about any health condition or to talk to a certified doctor online.

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sakit belakang memang sukar untuk elak semasa mengandung. selain jaga posture badan ada 1 Peranti yg sy sendiri amalkan sejak awal mengandung hingga kini sudah masuk trimester kedua. Alhamdulillah so far rasa lebih selesa, almost everyday sy berCeragem. sangat membantu..Cuba lah cari Ceragem.. InshaAllah sy pun bakal berpantang bersama Ceragem nanti..Best👍👍urut, tekan & bertungku..back to traditional method..semoga dimudahkn urusan Kita semua😌

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Maaf Sye adalah suami kepada Noor shayiba maaf lah Sye yg komen ni dalam keadaan sekarang dia rasa sakit sangat kat pinggang belakang sampai kan tak senang baring tak senang duduk satu badan sakit teruk Yaakob amat sian saya tengok wife Sye ni ya Allah mudah2han semua jalan dengan keadaan baik amin ya Allah yela kami nk dapat anak pertama dalam hidup kami....

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2y trước

same dngn sy ,sy pun mcmni skrg

Thành viên VIP

Nk reply jgk wlu pn tk pandai ckp omputih😂.. Saya Masa mngandungkan ank sulung ,mmg tiap² mlm tk dpt tdo ..sakit blkng tk Tau mcmana nk gambarkan .. Saya pegi klinik ,doktor bg Saya plaster bsr yg panas tu ,alahai ..apa ntah namanya .. Sblm tdo Tempek dlu plaster tu kt blkng .. baru lah rasa selesa sikit ..

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5y trước

Minta je sis .. nama apa ntah Saya pun dh lupa

Sama la saya walaupun saya baru 7-8 minggu still rasa sakit belakang dah la ngandung satu hal dan masa anak first pulak czer bius yg cucuk kat belakang tu effect dye memang sakit belakang la... Sakit belakang tu walaupum 5 tahun ta akan hilang.. Bila berdiri la uihhh menangkap ye sakitnya.. Baring pulak ikut keadaan la dgn perut lagi

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saya pun turut merasa sakit belakang..kalau duduk di office tak dpt lama²..kena berdiri and rengang² kan tgn, goyangkan badan perlahan..ketidakselesaannya bkn kepalang..smpi ke petang dan malam..kecuali saya baring or diurut perlahan bahagian belakang yg sakit baru sakit tu kurang sedikit dirasai..

4y trước

sama lah kita sis. .dduk tak tahan lama.. rsa nk baring je.... pastu sengal2 kaki

Saya amalkan makan pil kalsium Shaklee "ostematrix". Alhamdulillah setakat ni (sya sdg hamil 14 minggu) tidak mengalami masalah itu. Mommy bole try consume utk elakkn sakit tulang yg lebih teruk selepas bersalin nnti. Masa lps bersalin ank ke 4 sya kena sakit kaki yg teruk . Nk brdiri pon sakit sgt.

Do get the advise of a doctor. I had the same problem but recovered the next day. BUT... As i entered my half second trismester, i suffered from SPD and sciatica. Miserable everyday. Those pain in first trimester might be an indication of having backpain or pelvic girdle pain earlier rather than during your third trimester....

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5y trước

Pain relief/killer not effective at all. Been trying yoga but seems the pattern of pain changes but still there... Im dying for a wheelchair. Felt like my left hip locked at the side, then it moves to the back. If i walk a lot, it travels up to my middle back

Husband belikan air sofa. So soft n duduk tak sakit pinggang. I cant sit too long or stand too long nanti mmg merana nak duduk baring or diri mmg sakit sgt. Awal awal tu sbb duduk dkt kerusi office lama balik mmg sakit. Skrg dkt office pun guna air sofa ni. 😅 biar selesa dr merana