8 Replies

My baby was breech at week 35. But after 2-3 weeks, he turned. Baby knows what to do. 🙂 But, options given should the baby not turn were - performing external cephalic version, C-sect, and just wait till delivery. Give your baby some time. He/She knows what to do.

My sis was given a choice normal or Csect. She chose Csect. Good thing she chose Csect cos turned out the umbilical cord was wrapped ard the baby’s neck

At 34+4 & bby still breech too ☹ high chance might need to csect if nvr turn. Try doing kegels. Supposed to help with breech baby.

Sorry. i mean pelvic rock

There is still time for baby to turn heads down. Walk more and talk to baby. Sleep on left side at night.

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Should be C sect, your gynae will be able to advise better


Breech will be csect

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