Anyone did perineal massage during pregnancy and successfully avoid the episiotomy cut during delivery?

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I read up on perineal massage but only managed to do it once. I did not have an episiotomy and got through the delivery with a first degree tear. It was a minor tear with minimal stitches and I didn't have to take any painkillers. Perineal massage mimics the action of the baby's head passing through the birth canal, so there is some evidence that the massage will lead to a smoother delivery with a reduced need for episiotomy.

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2y trước


I did perineal massage diligently during first pregnancy but end up with an episiotomy as I don't have time to communicate with the gynae. Thus, I am not sure if the perineal massage is really useful. For 3rd pregnancy, I want to ensure no more episiotomy again.

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I am terrified of the episiotomy but I guess it is better to have it than a tear.
