Visitor restrictions at TMC under P2HA

Hi, anyone delivered recently under premier single room @ TMC care to share what the visitor restrictions are?

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I stayed in their premier single room back in May when 2 visitors were allowed, 30 mins visit each time. But my hub was allowed to stay over with me. He counts as 1 visitor already. Now 2HA, I believe hub can stay over if he were to do the covid-19 swab test. He would count as 1 visitor, so no more visitors allowed. Better to confirm with the hospital directly

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4y trước

Thanks Josephine this is certainly very helpful.

Super Mom

Hi Mama, At this point in time under phase 2HA, TMC is only allowing 1 predesignated visitor per day. This visitor can only be there for 30 mins. Visits are also strictly during visiting hours only.

4y trước

Husbands are allowed to stay for single room onwards but I think there’s additional cost