My husband said, u pregnant but im sick here..hehehe.. i just answer, its baby genetic..?

Anybody is same like me?

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same here.. im the one who carrying the baby but my husband suffer some kind of hormonal changes such as morning sickness etc.. its called couvade syndrome.. u can google it. kinda funny but its really a miracle. child - father kinda thing i guess.. my husband keep craving and sometimes feeling nausea at my few weeks pregnant too. at that time,we both didnt know the presence of our baby.. he lost his appetite too on my 1st trimester while I never experience anything unsual even morning sickness along my pregnancy.. now im 33 weeks pregnant. 😊

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Interesting..hehe.. my husband on the midnight always felt hungry and on the 12am or 1pm i cooking for him..what to do, i just think its for my, i pregnant my 1st baby..14weeks..💟