How to clean mattress

Hello anybody know how to clean the urine smell n spots from mattress .. is there any home remedies .. pls advice thanks

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I think you first try to wipe out/ soak up those urines that penetrates. Then try to steam it with those garment steamer. Then apply baking soda generously on that area, let it sit for probably half an hour to one, then vacuum the excessive baking soda, and wipe clean with a dampen clothes (not all soak). Let it air dry for several hours or days. Spray some febriz or mix of essential oil to get rid of the smell if there's any. Better to get a waterproof mattress protector to avoid the hassle.

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Wash it with a sponge and dishwash, and dry it if possible. Or if you really cant, febreeze it! Try investing in a mattress protector (one of those waterproof sheets for babies).

Put a mattress protector, put in under the sun.

Remember to air it out then flip

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Wipe it off and sun it

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try baking soda

Flip it over

Sun it
