30 Replies

Most mommys or mommys to be I know swear on the power of sour-flavoured foods because they their sharpness in taste is thought to help to reduce the feeling of nausea during morning sickness. Make citrus-flavoured popsicles using lemons, oranges, grapefruits or berries. The cold juice will provide some welcome relief. You can also try preserved foods like pickles and jams. Have a few sour candies (airheads sour power candy or traditional assam candy is a favourite) in your purse for emergencies. Other methods you can try can be found here: http://sg.theasianparent.com/10-tips-to-cure-morning-sickness/

Lemons worked for me. Whenever I used to feel nauseated I used to have lemonade. I used to put rock salt in my lemonade and it really helped me throughout the first trimester. But what did the trick for me, may not work for you, so you will have to figure out what soothes you. But here are a few home remedies that you can try and see if something helps. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health-news/11-home-remedies-to-cure-morning-sickness/articleshow/18748541.cms http://www.besthealthmag.ca/best-you/home-remedies/7-natural-remedies-for-morning-sickness/

Sour plums didn't work for me. My ex-husband would place a cup of warm water next to me before he goes to work so I'll drink that before I get up from my bed. I then take my time to get ready for work and that's usually about hour just to shower lol On the way to work, I drink Meiji's chocolate milk. I know it's odd but this somehow works for me.

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"no to morning sickness tea" for me is the only help I got during those rough days of nausea in my first trimester. secretsoftea develops this organic formula to helps easing the worst conditions.

mine was watermelon & 100 plus. not taking both at the same time. either one for a day. everyone has a different types of remedies but you can try too.

I used to have lemons and oranges for the morning sickness during my pregnancy. Sometimes just smelling them reduced my symptoms of nausea :)

Eating every 2 hours helped me with nausea such as crackers, boiled egg, toast and lots of water! ginger candies helps too

try to cut some fresh ginger put in it a water bottle and sip away .it really helped me out with my moring sickness

Coconut water. Trust me when you vomit a lot, you need fluid and electrolytes hence that.

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