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It's not uncommon to feel itchy, particularly around your growing belly and breasts as your skin stretches to accommodate them. Hormonal changes may also be partly to blame. Some pregnant women find that their palms and the soles of their feet get red and sometimes itchy. This condition may be caused by an increase in estrogen. It usually disappears right after delivery. Try out some home remedies to self soothe the itching -Avoid hot showers and baths, which can dry out your skin and make the itching worse. Use mild, unscented soap (some scents can cause irritation) and be sure to rinse the soap off well and towel off lightly. -Slather on unscented moisturizer after you've showered or bathed. -Avoid going out in the heat of the day, since heat can intensify the itching. But do let your gynae know about this itching during your next visit as itching severe itchiness in the second or, more commonly, the third trimester can be a sign of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), a liver problem.

make sure that your skin is moisturized at all times, especially the tummy area. as your skin stretches, it tends to itch. you can try the himalay for moms range. they have some really good and affordable body butters that use naturally soothing scents such as lavender and jasmine and are also a herbal brand, so it's good. avoid taking very hot baths as the hot water will further dry out your skin.

itching during pregnancy is very common as your skin gets stretched out due to the growing baby and tummy. it is important to keep your skin properly moisturized. i would recommend using the Palmer's cocoa butter formula. i used it a lot during my pregnancy and after my baby was born and it really helped in making the skin feel soft and reducing itching completely.

Hi Avantika...like so many of the other moms already mentioned, you can use some good moisturizing body butters especially on the tummy area. also, i would suggest use a non-drying body gel while taking a bath, so that your skin does not feel excessively dry. and don't forget to use the moisturizer a few times a day.

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In a nutshell I urge you ladies still suffering from barrenness to visit this herbal specialist doctor who helped me and today 4th sept. 2017 i have got my own kids Glory be to God. Visit him now and share your testimony via his gmail: dretobospelltemples gmail.com/ whatssAp +2348073275538

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