12 Replies

Eh. Depends on how old LO is. Will u let helper bring LO to/fro childcare? If yes, then I don't see why market cannot. If not arrange to buy groceries yourself or get delivery, like redmart or ntuc and cold storage etc - these days all got delivery

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Depends how much u trust ur helper, many people let helper send and pick up their kids from school, so really depend on it.

VIP Member

No i won't allow. Sorry i belong to the group that i won't let my helper bring kids out alone without me around

Absolutely not. I wouldn't want to take the risk. Anything can happen and by then it's too late.

No... helper shld be busy with buying groceries and bringing LO not so convenient

Nope.what if she goes elsewhere these days so many news too risky.

VIP Member

Ermmm, not to the market.

No I don’t allow

VIP Member


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