11 Replies

I can totally understand how you feel.. I went through that before... CL and my mum has been saying that especially my LO was purely on DL... But I was happy that I stick to my decision and hubby was supportive. My girl has grow up very well Hope you will feel better, Jia you!

Most of them at their time, dont breast feed. So they dont have the knowledge. Old ppl are like that, sometimes they jus comment for sake of commenting. So just ignore them and walk away.. makes life easier

I totally get it!! they will always doubt our supply and whether it is really that nutritional for them. always on a debate to supplement with formula.. well.. just do what u deemed best for the child.

Haiz, yeah they don't understand... But then again, they are basing it off from their old methods and know-hows. Just remember that and breatheeee

Just ignore. Naysayers always have things to say. Every mummies would want the best for her child. So press on!

VIP Member

Better ignore .. always say something to test our knowledge.. they feel they r the good parents than us ..

VIP Member

Most of them dont have the knowledge of it ba. I usually just shut off those comment la.

VIP Member

Yep hear you! Just try explaining to them in a nice way or simply ignore(:

Yes they are just Super annoying!

Super Mum

Just ignore them

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