testing of pregnancy

After ovulation, how long after should we test? if its 7 days after ovulation, is it considered pregnant? impatient to wait till the next cycle though...?

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Super Mom

Ovulation happens 14 days before your period date. So you should test at least a few days to a week after you miss your period. In other words you should do the pregnancy test about 17-21 days after ovulation, and only if your period doesn’t come

Super Mom

The best timing to test for pregnancy is on the day you expect your menses to start. However you can try 10 days past ovulation onwards.

Yes true.. It doesnt mean 7 days past ovulation confirm that u are pregnant.. U have to wait for your period delay..

Thành viên VIP

if me, i will wait till i missed my period. like atleast 5 days

Thành viên VIP

Usually at least 2 weeks after and if your period is late.

Thành viên VIP

I test about 1 week after I miss my menses

Super Mom

U test after u missed ur expected period

Thành viên VIP

Good luck