Hi After so many years of our marriage we do not have understanding for each other,we fight on small issues,now a day's he so depressed for certain reasons so he get frustrated and I also feels the same so we start fighting in front of our kids,i know this is not good but situations r like this,sometimes I feel I should leave him but than I think about my kids,I m so upset. he lives in his world I lives in my world how come we make our relationship good

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Hi, I suggest you talk to him right away. If you are feeling the brunt of your failing relationship then your husband too must be going through the same stress. Just figure out the reason for the problem first instead of reaching to conclusions. Talk to him and discuss the problem. Tell him how badly it is affecting your lives and the kids as well since they see you both fighting. Work out a plan for both of yourself and stick to it. Like, set things that you both will do to make the relationship work. I will share with you that when things go wrong between my husband and me then when we both talk, we set things for each other to do to make things work. Like, he will come home by 8, or I will not bring up his parents topic when he is home. Or avoid topics which can lead to confrontation. So, the main thing and the most important thing is to talk. You both speak about the things that bother you in the relationship and avoid doing those things. These things happen in all marriages and you must not give up if your husband otherwise is a good man and is not abusive and is just behaving the way he is because of circumstances or the gap between you two. I suggest, both of you talk and address the problem.

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