Having random menses during confinement

After C-section, my menses has cleared by the end of 1 week. I have been drinking all the herbal soups boiled by my Confinement Nanny (CN). All the herbal was bought by myself for confinement period. After 1st week, my menses came again off and on and sometimes have headaches. I've told my CN and she said I should stop drinking herbal soup and she boil other non-herbal soup. I've tried and my menses reduced. After observing that it has reduced for 2 days, my CN boiled herbal soup again. My menses came again with mild headache. I would like to check whether the mummies here do you all drink non-herbal soup and herbal soup on daily basis or only herbal soup daily? If drink herbal soup daily, do you all have the same symptoms and is it normal?

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Super Mom

After giving birth you will have lochia (similar to menses but it's not menses) for 4-6 weeks and it's usually in small amount, mine was on and off too. I doubt it has to do with the herbal soup you drink.

4y trước

That's what the TCM also told me. They said is not menses and informed me to buy herbal for headache to add into the herbal soup.