4 Replies

I was trying for almost 5y too! I knew immediately as it's an IVF baby, but like you I had zero symptoms it just feels surreal as I go about daily life. Now I'm at 20W there's a bump and the baby kicks all day so it feels a little more real now. I'm still not feeling any excitement though, just an impending sense that there's a lot on the to do list we haven't gotten around to yet.

2nd trimester is the time that we usually feel better. I also felt like I wasn't pregnant then. I make full use of it to prepare for up coming baby. 3rd trimester you'll be too tired to even walk outside for long. Even sleeping is hard. Enjoy while it lasts. Meanwhile just go for your checks to make sure baby is OK

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Different ppl will experience differently. U are in the 2nd trimester, u shud be feeling better. But baby growth wise, only a gynae can tell after the blood tests and scans all that ok.. good luck!

15 weeks pregnant here and I don't feel pregnant too! only the occasional nausea and bloating. guess we can only have faith and trust is all well with the baby!

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