Should 3 months old drink water?

Is it advisable to give my close to 3 months old baby water? My family members have been telling me to give my baby water but she isn’t having constipation. Should I?

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Thành viên VIP

Better to check with your PD. But many studies have shown that babies below 6 months do not need much water as they have enough water content from milk sources

Thành viên VIP

i believe not advisable as baby's kidney is still developing and immature to filter plain water and can cause water intoxication.

Please don’t. It’s dangerous, even when your family forced you to please be your baby’s advocate and stand firm.

Better not. PD told me can start to drink water at least from 4 mth with 20-30mL daily and slowly increase.

My PD recommended my 1.5mo to have max. 30ml of water per day. I feed him about 10ml a day typically

Super Mom

No it’s not. Babies under 6 months of age shouldn’t drink plain water. Only breast/formula milk

No water for baby below 6 months coz they have not start eating solid, milk is sufficient.

Breastfeeding or give the baby formula but no water if the baby is under 6 months

Super Mom

Nope. Only give when baby start eating solid... 6 months.

Thành viên VIP

Not advisable. Better wait until after 6 months onwards.