Plain water

Hi mummies, did you give water to your baby below 6 months ? Mil ask to give my 3 weeks old baby water, but I heard water isn’t good for baby below 6 months.

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Water should not be given till 6 months..but some may give even at 5 months but with paediatrician advice otherwise I would not suggest giving water to a baby. Since Breastmilk contains 88% water you need not feed anything else other than BM till 6months and need not worry about baby being dehydrated. If you have any doubt you can ask the paediatrician since he knows the health of baby very well. Do as the doc suggest.

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nope and i won’t. my friend’s mil insisted on feeding baby water as he had jaundice, gave about 5-10ml, initially nothing happened but around 2months old they offered him another 5-10ml of water after feeds because he sounded like he had phlegm end up baby got water intoxication. 🙄 he is fine now but was hospitalised

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not at all! babies below 5/6 months must not drink water.. their tummies and kidneys are still not matured yet to digest water and they might get water intoxication or not enough nutrients. There was a case where an infant died because the mother add water to her breast milk.

Actually u are not suppose to if ur baby is below 6 months. But i gave my baby 2 to 3 mouth when she is 1m plus as she was having bad constipation and seems to have difficulties pooping then slowly at 4 mths i let her have ard 5 sips for 1 day.

No! Bad idea! Newborn babies below 6 months old should NOT be fed anything else but milk. Their kidneys are not ready to take in water so pls don’t endanger your baby!

Influencer của TAP

I gave. Depends on individual when we were young we were given water too. To me it works in logic. Can anyone live without water?

4y trước

Ya no one can live without food n water but if u can give baby water below 6months u can give food too if u put it that way.

I gave in small quantities if needed. I think you got to decide based on situation, anything check with your pd.

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If you are breastfeeding then water is not necessary for baby. Else can give abt 5ml a day.

Super Mom

No water before 6 months. Breastmilk or formula is sufficient before that