2 Replies

my baby is 7mo. first thing he tried was banana puree because natural, soft & easy to mash. slowly we also introduced avocado, pear, apple, grapes, broccoli, rice porridge, salmon, chicken, cauliflower, carrot, potato, pumpkin. all mashed/blended until puree. recently we have been giving him more lumpy purees to let him try the texture. aside from puree, we also let him hold a big piece of the food to gnaw on and explore.

suggest you start with soft and mashed foods first that’s easy on stomach such as veggies and fruits to get baby’s digestive system used to solids, before moving on to proteins that’s steamed or grilled.

Ok. But for this to take for how long or until what age? He has been eating fruits and Veg for the past 1 month(6mth old)

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