Hi actually im not sure when is my last period, but i did check thru pregnancy test kit but its positive

Congrats ! I too had irregular periods, so when I missed out on 2 months and did a test, it was positive ! Then I saw a gynae n confirmed I have 5wks plus ☺️☺️☺️
Congrats! U can now book an appointment with gynae and they will conduct a scan to estimate the baby gestational age. :)
Yes. But everything in moderation. Especially processed foods
when u visit the Dr, they will let u know based on ur LMP
See gynae. Thy will do scan n estimate ur gestation week
You can check the number of weeks with the gynae! :)
Congratulations :) u can book a gynae visit.
Congrats! Do follow up with a gynae review.
Congrats. Visit a gynae to confirm.
Congrats! Do check with your gynae!