7 Replies

Some kids are natural fussy or smaller eaters. My gal doesn't like to eat proper meal too. She is eating even lesser than my nephew who is 3 months smaller but her weight gain is still acceptable. Try to expose your baby to a variety of food including fruits. If they don't like something try it again a few months later. I find that my gal is more interested in eating when she is allowed to feed herself or when I tried BLW. My gal is 1 year and still on 1.5 meals a day because her dinner is not a lot. Babies sometimes eat lessser when they teeth and also when they start to crawl and walk more they may feel hungrier. Don't give up!!

Thank you mummy! It really helps to hear encouragement and I'm not alone

I had the same problem before and my 1yo still doesn't eat a lot of solids. When she was rejecting solids around 8mo I tired BLW for a few weeks to make her interested in eating. It did make her more interested during meal time .or maybe you need to change varieties of food or make the food less purée? My gal ate more when I gave her small pieces of broocoli or sweet potato to bite off

Tks! Will try that

What about trying to give him fruits in pieces, stick forms. Dont puree itm let him explore. Babies 1 year and below food is mainly to help them explore. You can also try different types of food and brands. What have you tried so far? At times they will just try 1 mouth and turn away. And thats fine. Dont be discouraged.

I've given avocado, carrots, pumpkin, porridge, cereal etc.. tried purée, let them take on their own, put in those silicon feeder.. and yes.. one mouth and turn away and never open their mouth again 😂

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It takes a few times for baby to accept the taste so just keep persisting and encouraging baby. Play the "aeroplane" trick? Give baby play w plastic spoon or something while feeding baby? Jia you mummy

Thank you mummy!

Same as my lo and she only start getting interested in food late 8mo..and now 9mo start to stick out tongue when see food...haha dont worry..one day your lo will be finally interested

Thank you mummy!

VIP Member

Less then 1 year old, their main focus would be milk. Don't worry about the solids. My 2nd born reject solids till he was 11mo since then, he ate like a champ

Thank you mummy!

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