Its 7 days before my daughters 1st birthday and everything is already set but I don't have any outfit yet for the event :( mommies needs help ! any suggestions? Its a "coachella" themed party .

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If you don't have time to go to the mall, you may buy online. However, cons are: 1) you cannot fit it, so expect that it may not really look as good as you thought it would be 2) you have to wait for a few days, especially if the shop doesn't accommodate a next-day-delivery process. For online stores, you may check Zalora, Lazada or Instagram-based stores. I suggest that you find time to go the mall, so you can choose among a variety of choices and pick whichever suits you well. Here's an OOTD inspiration from the queen of Coachella, Vanessa Anne Hudgens. :) Photo credits to

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You can have a matching outfit with your little one! H&M has a variety of options for coachella outfits as well as Forever 21. Some brands inside the department store in malls also has coachella-inspired outfits. I've attached one which can be your peg. :) Image source:

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You can find a lot of coachella-inspired outfit in Forever 21, H&M and some even inside the department store. Actually, if you aren't into brands, there are a lot of good finds in Landmark and even Divisoria! You can even do a twinning outfit with your little one just like this photo i found on pinterest:

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Here's my whole family on my daughter's 1st coachella themed birthday bash last February. Match outfits for me and my baby girl. Daddy and the kuyas' had their simple get up too.

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8y trước

Thats so cute :) Thanks for this.

A maxi dress is uncomplicated and easy. I'd avoid over-accessorizing because you don't want your kid to have more things to pull from your body ;)

Hey Yesha !!! Dont worry here's the remedy :) Just be simple yet edgy . Sharing you a photo you may get an idea through that . Hope it will help !

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Aww.. I think H&M is still on sale. You might want to check it out :)

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try Forever 21 :) hope you can post your outfit here :)