4 Replies

VIP Member

My LO used to do that when she is 3 months old. She just loves to stand. I didn't let her stand for a long time. Until now she is 6 months old, she still loves to stand with adult hands support 🤷🏻‍♀️ Her legs are very strong and straight when she is standing, especially when she is in the car, she tends to stand up so she can see outside 😂

VIP Member

6 month old babies shouldn’t be standing and walking yet. The normal age for this is 8 months to 11 months. While 25% of babies can stand before 7 months I would not encourage it by helping. Once in a while is okay though. 6 month olds should be crawling and mostly on the ground. Can your baby sit up unassisted?

My sister's child started walking around 5 to 6 months old, he grew up very fast and was very smart. At 6 months he would jump out his cot bed

Hey, my kiddo did the same when he was 4 months. Then his knees started to bend. The PD asked us to stop helping him as it could lead to knocked knees in the future. Till your little one starts standing on his own with support, don’t help him stand up.

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