Hi, My 6 month old baby is very much interested in sucking her thumb. I have tried using mittens but still her hand goes into her mouth. She always has her finger in mouth n don't cry for feeding, so I don't understand if she's hungry or not. Also while sleeping, unconsciously she will take her finger mouth, and sleeps..I have no clue to make her forget about it. Will she get used to it even after growing or should I take any other step to stop her from doing this ?

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she is playful and at this age, her hands and fingers are really fascinating objects! :) this is her way of playing, and also, sucking the thumb can become a source of great comfort and security. however, you will have to constantly remove her hand from her mouth, while she is awake or asleep. try and distract her when she is awake. if she keeps doing it when sleeping, give her a sleep toy or a sleep blankie that she can hold and feel safe. sucking the finger is also a sign that she may be teething, so do massage her gums and ease any discomfort.

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