Is 5mths old a good chance to start something other than milk? What is mostly recommended for? How to make?

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If you are thinking of weaning your baby at 5 months old, it will be considered early weaning. When baby shows these signs, it means he/she may be ready for solids: - baby Is hungry before the usual feed time - he/she dribbles and puts things in his or her mouth - baby can sit up with support - he/she shows an interest in your food Also, in certain cases such as infants who have not grown to the expected size or who lack iron (anaemic), they may be weaned earlier (between four and six months old). Here is an article on weaning that may be useful: By the way, introduction of milk should be after baby is 1 year old.

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8y trước

haha.. sounds like he is ready! Perhaps can start with a little bit of rice cereal mixed in breast milk as a start. :)