Bad wheezing cough

My 5 month old son has bad cough since 15 february 2021. When to A&E, his lung swollen and he is wheezing. He has lots of phlegm at throat which cause him to have red throat and sore throat. He lose weight due to ever 3 hrs he didnt finish up his milk. Doctor prescribe him inhaler with salbuair inhaler with spacer and mouthpiece. He dont have asthma. But I dont want to make him took mefication since he yoo young. What should I do to help me recover?#advicepls #1stimemom

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Super Mom

Salbuair helps with the wheezing. It’s really not just for asthma. Please give it to him if he’s wheezing. Also avoid cold air (eg air con), smoke (cigarette or others), continue to feed him as much as he tolerates.

4y trước

he struggling when I try to give to him

Influencer của TAP

I went to yuguo to see tcm. After massage and medication, no more issues