Urgent need help with Diarrhea and Diaper Rash

My 5 month old daughter having diarrhea since 15 feb 2021. Bring her to PD for monthly check up at NUHKids with Dr krish, he say most probably starting she has stomach flu but never seen doctor for it and it become lactose intolerance. So he recimmend Isomil soy infant milk to see and stop her diarrhea. Because of her every 1 hour diarrhea, her diaper rash bad to worse. How should I clean and get rid diaper rash and stop her diarrhea? I dont know what to do mummies!

Urgent need help with Diarrhea and Diaper Rash
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My baby just got over his diarrhoea! Give probiotics everyday! And yes switch to soy milk for the time being, or u can continue bf! Please make sure baby is drinking well and no dehydrated! As for the rash, I wash him as soon as he finish pooping. And I do mean wash under running water. If u use wet wipes, make sure it’s really clean! Then for very bad rash, u can do two layer protection. Apply Vaseline, then desitin (purple one). It can be slightly sticky when U wash/clean his butt, but it’s fine. Just wash off as much residue as u can! My baby’s diarrhoea clear within 4 days!

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2y trước

can I check how long do u give the soy milk?

Is she teething? Some ppl believe it might cause diarrhoea too, not sure how true. I changed my baby’s formula to Enfamil Lactosefree when she kept having diarrhoea.. she took it well compared to other soy-based FM. For the rash, ensure regular diaper change and try to clean it with warm water instead of only wipes, and then air it out for a bit (especially after shower). Make sure bum is dry below applying the diaper rash cream. I used (blue) Desitin.

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2y trước

can I check u gv baby isomil for how long?

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Give your baby some probiotics, it should helps with the stomach flu. (: