Baby 3mo sleep through the night

3mths sleep thru the night without asking for milk is normal? In the day she keep asking milk every 1-2 hours, at night last feeding will be at 1/2am then she will sleep thru until 9am. I got wake her up before or offer dream feeding she angry lol and refuse milk What should i do? She can tahan up to 10 hours without food🤦🏻‍♀️ i asked around and none of my friend’ baby like this. I know i shd be thankful right? But worried first time mum here 🫣#advicepls

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My baby starts sleeping through the night when she’s 2.5months old. Last feeding was about 10-11pm, wakes up at about 7-8am. I wouldn’t worry if she has taken enough milk during the day. Enjoy the time when you get to sleep, cause my baby suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night when she’s around 6 months old 😵‍💫

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7mo trước

Oh no.. Probably cos of 6m sleep regression?