9 Replies

Super Mum

No signs at all until my water bag broke. And it came in a gush, not like trickling or leaking, so my bedroom sure looked like a murder scene 😆i managed to take a shower before heading to the hospital

lost my mucus plug! then gut feeling water broke bc i felt like verryyyyy little water oozing down to panty liner. initially tot was discharge but liner was clear n dam so went kk to check n bingo

VIP Member

Most people will just go through the signs you mentioned, including cramps and increased back pain. Do check with your gynae on your next visit , take care!

Mine was contractions. How I know it's the real deal? The interval between them is every 5 mins apart and I was alrdy exactly 39 weeks that time.

VIP Member

Hi... you might find this article informative https://sg.theasianparent.com/labour-and-delivery-tips-by-new-mums

For me, its the on off contractions that just doesn't go away. Went to hospital n i was 3cm diluted

Super Mum

Im supposed to be due last week. But still waiting😅

VIP Member

Mine was contractions. Waterbag was burst by gynae.

No sign till I was admitted myself for induce in the hospital at 40w, suddenly signs of labor came in(bleeding and contractions) an hr after I was in the hospital, so Gynae said don’t need to induce since signs of labor came..

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