7 Replies

Super Mum

Don’t worry. Baby still has lots of time to grow. What matters is that the scan looks ok. Time to start counting baby’s movements and kicks too:) as long as that is normal too, don’t worry ok?

That’s perfectly normal:) baby likes it when we move, so they either fall asleep or are more calm. Then when we sit down/get ready to go to bed, they start to move more. It’s also when we’re not doing much that we pay more attention to baby’s movements:) Anyway, it’s the same after baby’s born. Rocking and swaying will calm the baby:)

Not having this issue, but my gynae always says... Don't focus too much on the belly size! He says belly size is not linked to the baby size, so as long as your scans are fine, no worries~ 😊

Well as a dil sure will worry later baby come out let ppl say y so size.

As long as the gynae is aware and he is fine with it then there is nothing to worry about as you have got medical advise :)

VIP Member

22 weeks still early. Still got time to up baby weight if its below average.

Tummy size not always correlates to baby weight

Super Mum

No need to worry. Every pregnancy is different.

VIP Member

Trust your gynae and dont worry k...

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