4 Các câu trả lời

Hi, I guess you can show her videos where kids are brushing teeth. Take her to shop for a brush for herself. And tell her that you will let her shop for it only if she promises to brush everyday. Also get a toothpaste that is especially for kids...she may like the taste of it and she would start brushing for the sake of using the toothpaste.

Thanks Ms. Chetna Joshi, yeah maybe it's her brush and the taste of her toothpaste that's why she doesn't want to brush her teeth... We do let her watch videos but there hasn't been any help... Hopefully, she'll get used to it the soonest because her teeth is starting to fall off and break at her early age...

Hi, You can perhaps begin by telling her that she will get her favourite candy or a treat if she would brush her teeth daily. I know it won't be a good way to continue but since as you said that she is not ready at all so you can at least begin this way.

Thank you Ms. Shruti Biswas, although I've done it before by giving her chocolates and her fave bubble gun while brushing but it still didn't work... Most of the time we just cover her body with a towel in order for her not to be able to move so we could brush her teeth...

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