My 20th month girl is very attached to me n vice versa. Enrolled her in playgroup and she keeps looking for me. Cried very very pitifully when a kid accidentally hits her. Teacher couldn't calm her n i had to go in. Im only allowed in bcoz today is the 1st class. How do all you mommies do it without feeling your heart breaking?

I had the same thing happened on the first day when I enrolled my son in to childcare in Oct (he was 2 years old) - well, minus the getting sick part heh. The principal stepped in on the second day and told me to just leave him in school and go for breakfast and take a rest for a bit. I reluctantly left him and walked away while he was crying, and then I ended up crying on my way to breakfast because I felt so empty that he is growing up so fast and no longer needed me around. It took about 1 week for him to get used to it, but by week 2 - he stopped crying! In fact, he started liking school a lot :) We skipped about 2 weeks of school so far because he was sick, but he loves school so much now - to the extent he wakes up in the middle of the night and cries because he wants to go to school ... at 3am 🤪 I'd say to relax and trust in the teachers, they'd take a while to build good rapport with her but she'll be fine after! As for you, take it as a break time for yourself - grab a nice breakfast before work or use the time to do some "me time" for yourself :)
Read morebe brave and just leave the class. As it's the first time gg to a playgroup, it's very normal and common for them to be crying non stop due to separation anxiety. it takes a few days to weeks for them to accept going to school without crying Initially i cried very badly too. After that i told myself i need to look forward to school so my child can look forward to school too. Slowly my child is also happy and look forward to me picking them up aft school
Read moreGive her and yourself time. But you need to be strong mommy. If you are going to react it will make it worst for her. In time she will learn. Eventually we need to learn to let go. Otherwise we will be hindering their learning process.
communicate with your child on it. i did that with my girl to make ber anticipate. she is very excited about it
Firstly if you are not calm. You are not helping your child. They can feel you. You need to suck it up for her.