refuse to drink milk
my 2 months old bb recently refuse to finish her milk, always drink halfway she will start crying and don't wN drink anymore.Anybody know why she will behave like this?

Yeah, it's important to know if you baby is drinking breastmilk or formula. As your baby grows, they simply could be drinking fasted in the frist few minutes and then getting bored. If your baby is being breastfed, maybe try changing up the feeding posistion. If you baby is being formula fed, have you just changed the formula? Have you tried any other types of formula?
Read moreThis happen to my baby too. the whole feeding session took an hour. I burped her once she start rejecting the milk and will continue after awhile. it seems to be part of her growth spurt. Baby was back to normal drinking after a few days but I did change the nipple teat to a bigger one. You might want to try changing the nipple teat too
Read moreIs she breastfeeding? it's normal for babies to fuss with their food from time to time. For older babies, teething is usually a reason. Sometimes they fuss when they're not feeling well. Or maybe she could have gas. if you are formula feeding, did you change the brand of milk? Or new bottle or nipple?
Read moreThis is very normal for babies. They are generally fussy in drinking milk. But it always good to burp them first and also monitor their milk drinking patterns
Yes happened to mine too, the problem was resolved when we upgraded her teat to a faster flow. Is she still on slow flow?
BF or formula? If BF maybe try to change timing of feed, if formula try switching to new formula?
Try carry her up to burp her first?