unhealthy cravings
18 weeks tmr.. and i am craving for Coke! ?

I'm 15 weeks. I do sometimes feels like drinking gassy drinks. What I do is whenever my husband told me to refill his cup of coke zero I will take a sip or two or three. Teehee
If it’s the gassy sparks you are craving for, try juice with soda water! But i love coke too! Understand the itch to drink an ice cold can of coke hahaha
Me too. I just had a can of coke to quench my thirst and crave for those gassy sparks!
I have such craving too! And need to be icy cold. But for your body just try to take a few sips.
One glass to satisfy craving should be ok but don’t make a habit of drinking it 😉
Take a sip just to satisfy your cravings, but drink more water afterwards 😊
In moderation. Satisfying cravings are equally important for the mind :)
Can drink but not too much. Its better if u can drink coke zero though.
Ah i had that craving but I didnt drink it but a little wun hurt.
Thanks mummies! I had 1 can yesterday so shyiok until i cry 😂