Bloated can’t even stand upright

At 17 weeks, sometimes after meal will be so full that I can’t even stand upright. Happens mostly after dinner. I eat normal 3 meals per day. Portion is normal too like what I usually eat before pregnant as well.

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You might want to eat smaller meals, breaking it up to every 2 hours instead of large 3x meals a day. You could try gentle, slow walks after dinner to get digestive system working so you don't feel as bloated. Also, prunes and high fiber foods like apples helped me. All the best!

I face the same problem too, always bloated especially after dinner. Try sipping on warm water after dinner, somehow it helps for me

It’s normal. Usually I will try to eat till I am around 70-80% full and take a 30 minutes walk after that. You will feel better.