Consultation w gynae

Am at 16 weeks. Had my first consultation at 10 weeks and next one is next week. Just wanna know, how frequent do pregnant women have check ups with the gynae?

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Private or Public? For public (i.e. KKH) at the beginning, they may ask you to go more often, once every week. Think they wanna ensure baby is stable. Once stable they will only ask you go back checkup once a month until 3rd trim

Mine was bi-monthly for first trimester to Ensure that sac is in place and stable. Monthly for second trimester then bi-monthly from 32-36 weeks and weekly after 36 weeks.

Thành viên VIP

For my case (private), it’s monthly checkup until end of 2nd trimester. From last month of pregnancy, it became a weekly checkup till delivery.

Thành viên VIP

Every 4 weeks for 1st and 2nd trimester. After that every 3 weeks and subsequently 2 weeks and 1 week before I finally gave birth.

My gynae is private. He recommended once every 3 weeks for first trimester and once every 4 weeks after first trimester.

Super Mom

First and sec trimester : every 4-5 weeks Last trimester : every 2 weeks Last few weeks of trimester : every 1 week

Thành viên VIP

Once every mth during the first trimester, then 1.5m in 2nd, and 0.5 m in third

Super Mom

It's monthly during trimester 1 - 2. Weekly during trimester 3.

Thành viên VIP

Monthly for 1st tri, bi-weekly for 2nd to 33 week then weekly.

Thành viên VIP

Once a month and toward trimester 3 is every 2 weeks