7 Replies

Hi there! It sounds like your 15-month-old is hitting some great milestones in terms of physical and cognitive development. It's fantastic that they are understanding words and showing some early signs of speech by saying "mama, dada, papa". Every child develops at their own pace, so it's completely normal for some to focus more on physical skills before language. If your child is otherwise healthy, responsive, and meeting other developmental milestones, there may not be a need to worry just yet. However, if you have concerns about their speech development, it's always a good idea to consult with your pediatrician or a speech therapist. They can provide guidance and tips on how to support your child's language skills at home. In the meantime, continue talking, singing, and reading to your little one to encourage language development. You can also try pointing to objects and naming them to help expand their vocabulary. Remember, every child is unique and will progress at their own pace. Trust your instincts as a parent and seek professional advice if needed. #dontworry #trustyourparentingjourney https://invl.io/cll6she

to be honest, parents have to be the one guiding, they mimic what you do.. so try pointing to the correct person or things or objects everytime you say something with higher pitch or cartoon-ish tones, they will understand and follow as well.

VIP Member

Honestly same boat here same age similar issues. Dont worry yet. Give it another couple months and follow up with peads soon to check any other factors. 💕


almost sent my LO to speech therapist... fortunately started talking ard 3yo & super talkative now...




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