How to Gain Height And Weight Faster?

My 14 months boy is a bit smaller in size. Only 10 percentile. What should I feed him to help his growth?

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Thành viên VIP

my boy is also smaller in size, but every kid is different! as long as his growth is following the chart well, not dropping further and hitting his milestones, i dun think you should worry too much! you can try and feed more nutritious food as per suggestions from the rest of the mums!

Super Mom

Is he eating well normally? If he is, just let him be as long as he is healthy. If not maybe can try giving avocado which is a source for healthy fat.

I don't think you should worry that much as every child is different? As long as he's getting all the nutrients should be fine :)

Thành viên VIP

Try pediasure formula? Also avoid feeding him too much sweets , chocs etc as this may affect his appetite for proper food.

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So long he is growing healthily, developing intellectually, there is no need to worry about percentile.

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Give bananas it helps in pit on weight .. protien food helps to build muscles ..

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Give them proper food with all kind of nutrients but generic play a part too

Just feed him with proper nutrition. Height is genetic.

Once his health is okay don't worry

pediasure + more protein (meat,egg)